Legal note
All rights regarding the content and design of this website belong to the Initiative für einen Gedenkort ehemaliges KZ Uckermark e.V., unless otherwise expressly stated in the following overview.
Reproduction of text, information, software, video images, photographs and/or other visual and/or audio material is not permitted without the written consent of the Initiative für einen Gedenkort ehemaliges KZ Uckermark e.V., nor is it allowed to store in an automated retrieval system or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise.

The website was financially supported by the Ministry of Science, Research and Culture of the State of Brandenburg
Responsible for the content of this website (as per §5 TMG):
Initiative für einen Gedenkort ehemaliges KZ Uckermark e.V.
c/o Jos Fritz Buchladen
Wilhelmstr. 15
79098 Freiburg
E-Mail: initiative[at]gedenkort-kz-uckermark[dot]de
Authorized representative: Sabine Hammer (same address as above)****,
Chair: Dagmar Schrödter (same address as above)****
Registration office: Amtsgericht Berlin
Registration number: VR 26484 B