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How to get in contact with us

Please feel free to send us any critiques of the site that you may have, or suggestions that you would like to make. We would like this website to be a place for people to announce any events or important dates that are directly linked to the Former Uckermark Youth Concentration Camp for Girls and Young Women and Later Extermination Site. If you have anything to add to the collection of materials and links cited here, please let us know (although we may need some time to get it up on the site).


initiative [at] gedenkort-kz-uckermark [dot] de


Initiative für einen Gedenkort ehemaliges KZ Uckermark e.V.
c/o Jos Fritz Buchladen*
Wilhelmstr. 15
79098 Freiburg

* Please do not call in Jos Fritz Buchladen, but use e-Mail or Mail to contact us.

We are in urgent need of financial support to be able to continue with our current projects. Please donate if you can, we would greatly appreciate any help you have to offer!

A receipt for your donation will be provided upon request. Here is our bank account information:
Initiative Gedenkort KZ Uckermark e.V.
DE61 4306 0967 7924 5544 00

How to Get to the Uckermark Memorial:

Uckermark and Ravensbrück are located about 90 km (56 miles) north of Berlin:

How to get there by train or by car: Take train or car to the town of Fürstenberg Havel. From the “Ravensbrücker Dorfstraße,” follow the signs for the “Mahn- u. Gedenkstätte Ravensbrück.” After the “Fürstenberg” town sign, turn right on “Himmelpforter Landstraße.” Continue along that road – you will be driving along the Ravensbrück Memorial Site – until the beginning of the bike path to Himmelpfort. Follow the signs to the Uckermark Memorial [“Gedenkort Uckermark“], the site is located along the Ravensbrück-Himmelpfort bike path.


The memorial site is mostly accessible via paved paths and only partially wheelchair accessible. There are no toilets on the grounds. Near the memorial stone there is a small shelter where 10-15 people can shelter in case of rain.

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