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Antifaschistisches feministisches Bau- und Begegnungscamp 2022

Antifaschistisches feministisches Bau- und Begegnungscamp des Gedenkorts ehemaliges Jugend-KZ und späterer Vernichtungsort Uckermark


verlängerter Anmeldeschluss bis zum 10.07.22 // Extended registration deadline: 10.07.22

12.-21. August 2022 in Himmelpfort und Fürstenberg (an der Havel)

In diesem Jahr findet wieder ein Baucamp des Gedenkort Uckermark statt. Wir freuen uns schon darauf, wieder gemeinsam den Gedenkort zu pflegen und zu gestalten, Überlebende und deren Angehörige zu treffen und gemeinsam über die Geschichte des Jugend KZ und späteren Vernichtungsort Uckermark zu lernen.

Eingeladen sind alle FLINTA (FrauenLesbenInterTransAgender), die die den Gedenkort kennenlernen wollen und Interesse haben, sich mit der Geschichte des Ortes und antifaschistischer Erinnerungspolitik zu beschäftigen. Wir reservieren die Hälfte der Plätze für Menschen die Klassismus* – Erfahrungen machen oder gemacht haben.

Weitere Informationen findet ihr auf dem Flyer zum diesjährigen Baucamp, den ihr hier anschauen und runterladen könnt:

Anmelden könnt ihr euch per E-Mail unter: baucamp2022 [at] gmx [.]de

Anmeldeschluss ist der 30.06.2022

* Klassismus bezeichnet die Diskriminierung aufgrund von Klassenherkunft oder Klassenzugehörigkeit und begrenzt den Zugang zu Wohnraum, Bildungsabschlüssen, Gesundheitsversorgung, Teilhabe, Anerkennung, Geld und weiteren Dingen.

Antifascist Feminist Volunteer Work Stay

at the Site of the Former Uckermark Youth Concentration Camp and Later Extermination Site // 12-21 August 2022

Who we are

The Initiative für einen Gedenkort ehemaliges KZ Uckermark e.V (Initiative for an Uckermark Concentration Camp Memorial) conducts research on the history of the former youth concentration camp and later extermination site, seeks to engage with the survivors and their relatives, and is continuously working towards the creation of a worthy commemoration site there. The yearly Volunteer Work Stays are an important part of that effort.

The site

The former youth concentration camp was constructed approximately 90 kilometers north of Berlin in 1942. It is located right next to the Ravensbrück women’s concentration camp, and was built by its prisoners. Only one youth concentration camp was established specifically for the imprisonment of girls and young women during National Socialism, and not many people know about it. Between 1942 and 1945, some 1,200 women and girls were incarcerated in the KZ Uckermark. They were subjected to forced labour in the harshest living conditions. In January 1945, an extermination site was built on the partially evacuated area for prisoners from the Ravensbrück concentration camp and others. By April 1945, approximately 5,000 people had been murdered there.

What do we want to work on?

We want to work together at the site and discuss different forms of commemoration and the politics around them, as well as our visions and ideas for a worthy commemoration space. We invited a survivor of the Ravensbrück concentration camp and some relatives of Uckermark camp survivors to visit us. There will be a guided tour on the history of the youth concentration camp and later extermination site, and we will offer a workshop on classism*. We will also have plenty of time for physical work at the memorial site itself, and also for hanging out, reading and exchanging ideas. Once we are all there together, we will decide as a group exactly what everyone wants to do.

Who is invited?

We invite all FLINTA (female, lesbian, inter, non-binary, trans, agender people) who want to get to know the site and are interested in its history and antifascist politics of remembrance. This year we want to reserve half of the places for people who have experienced classism*. Classism plays an important role in the history of the Uckermark concentration camp and is also central to our political work as an initiative. At the same time, the political left is becoming increasingly academic and middle-class norms are often adopted without question. Even in leftist spaces, people who experience or have experienced classism (e.g. people who are poor or working class) are often invisible. That’s why we introduced a quota this year. Still, we welcome all registrations. If you want to make use of the quota, please write ‚I want to make use of the quota‘ or just the word ‚quota‘ in the subject of the email when registering. The organization group includes people with and without experiences of classism.

* Classism is a form of discrimination based on class origin or class status. Classism limits people’s access to housing, education, healthcare, social participation, recognition and respect, money and more.

Practical information

We will share rooms at the vicarage in Himmelpfort. It is close to the site of the former Uckermark concentration camp – it’s easiest to get there by bike.

The camp is organized collectively. At the beginning, we, the group preparing for the camp, will give you some important information, but after that we would like everyone to feel responsible for shopping, cooking, projects, etc. as well as the general well-being of the group.

If you want to come with children: We don’t organize childcare, but please feel free to write us an email and we will figure out what possibilities there are together.

When registering, please tell us what languages you speak so we can potentially organize translation.

Unfortunately, both the house where we are staying and the site itself are not fully accessible; please contact us about any specific needs and we will figure it out together.

Costs & Registration

There will be expenses for accommodation, food, travel costs, building materials, fees,… We apply to several foundations for funding. Additionally, we kindly ask everybody to contribute what they can (0-200 €). We will answer any further questions once we are there. We are applying for the Volunteer Work Stay to be recognized as a form of educational leave (‘Bildungsurlaub’) in several German federal states; please email us for more information.

If you are interested, please register by the end of June.

Contact / Registration:

baucamp2022 [at ]gmx [dot]de

For more information about the event, the Initiative, and the Uckermark site: https://gedenkort-kz-uckermark.de/en/

We are looking forward to your participation!

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